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13 lip 2022 · eGFR of 60 -89 may mean early-stage kidney disease; eGFR of 15 -59 may mean kidney disease; eGFR below 15 may mean kidney failure; What is a normal eGFR number? In adults, the normal eGFR number is usually more than 90. eGFR declines with age, even in people without kidney disease. See chart below for average estimated eGFR based on age.
14 sty 2019 · Chart of Kidney Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) number according to your age, includes a table showing chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages.
19 lis 2023 · Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is divided into five stages, ranging from stage 1 to stage 5. Each stage is determined by a blood test known as the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), which establishes how well your kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from your blood.
17 cze 2021 · Values for eGFR vary depending on age, sex and other factors. The rate naturally declines as you age and lose muscle mass. The average eGFR for someone in their 20s is about 116 mL/min/1.73m2. It drops to 85 mL/min/1.73m2 for people in their 60s. An eGFR higher than 60 means you have at least 60% kidney function.
In adults, the normal eGFR number is more than 90. IF YOUR eGFR IS BETWEEN 60 AND 89... People with mildly low eGFR (between 60 and 89) may not have kidney disease if there is no sign of kidney damage, such as protein in their urine. These people should have their eGFR checked often. They may be asked to avoid medications that can damage
On average, GFR decreases by 10 per decade starting from age 20. According to National Kidney Foundation (NKF), the average estimated GFRs for different ages are shown below. Note that these are just averages and there is a lot of individual and racial variabilities.
12 mar 2024 · A GFR below 60 mL/min/1.73 m 2 may indicate a higher risk for CKD complications as well as cardiovascular disease. The normal GFR range also depends on your sex and body size. Stages of...