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15 lip 2024 · After you have submitted an inquiry, or filed a charge, with the EEOC, you can select My Cases on the EEOC Public Portal to view the case information and associated documents. If you have more than one case filed with the EEOC, the My Cases Listing will display (Figure 1).
EEOC's Online Charge Status System allows both individuals who have filed a charge of discrimination (charging parties) with EEOC and respondents, and their respective representatives, to track the progress of the charge.
To check the status of your charge, from the EEOC Public Portal perform the following steps: Step 1. Select the My Cases link on the Home page. Step 2. The My Cases page displays: The Status column displays the current status for each charge/inquiry you have filed with the EEOC.
Vol 4 – Post-Charge Tasks (learn how to check the status of your charge, respond to an Invitation to Mediate, and request/respond to a Respondent’s Position Statement) Vol 5 – Charge Closure (learn what happens when your charge has been closed)
28 sty 2016 · You can download, save, and print the official Charge of Discrimination (EEOC Form 5) from the EEOC Respondent Portal, as indicated in the Notice's second paragraph. 5 Instructions for logging into the EEOC Respondent Portal are provided in the Notice's third paragraph.
The EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide (“User’s Guide”) provides comprehensive guidance for using the EEOC Public Portal’s features and functions. The User’s Guide is published as individual documents, each of which covers a particular feature or related features of the EEOC Public Portal.
28 sty 2016 · You can download, save, and print the official Charge of Discrimination (EEOC Form 5) from the EEOC Respondent Portal, as indicated in the Notice’s second paragraph. Instructions for logging into the EEOC Respondent Portal are provided in the Notice’s third paragraph.