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Spektroskopia strat energii elektronów EELS (ang. Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) - odmiana spektroskopii elektronowej, polegająca na analizie rozkładu energetycznego elektronów rozproszonych niesprężyście. Elektrony przechodzące przez próbkę są rozdzielane w zależności od ilości utraconej energii. Widmo EELS może być ...
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Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) is a form of electron microscopy in which a material is exposed to a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of kinetic energies. Some of the electrons will undergo inelastic scattering, which means that they lose energy and have their paths slightly and randomly deflected.
Both K- and L-edges are easily accessible and provide rich fine structure and chemical shifts. L 2,3 ELNES very useful in understanding SI based devices and minerals. Sharp low-loss features.
The EELS Data Base is a compilation of valence and core-loss spectra from Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy experiments and X-Ray spectra. With 290 spectra covering 43 elements of the periodic table, it is the largest open access EELS database.
100 Fm. 101 Md. 102 No. 103 Lr. Energy (eV) Atomic number. Element name/symbol. Search by energy (eV) with +/-10% tolerance. Include minor edges.
Figure 3429b shows EEL spectra of TiO 2, V, Cr, Fe 2 O 3, CoO, NiO, and Cu with L 2,3 energy-losses for the 3d transition metals. The chemical shift of O element in the different oxides (TiO 2 , Fe 2 O 3 , CoO, and NiO) is also indicated in the figure.