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Use Form 8863 to figure and claim your education credits, which are based on adjusted qualified education expenses paid to an eligible educational institution (postsecondary). For 2024, there are two education credits.
Use Form 8962 to figure the amount of your premium tax credit (PTC) and reconcile it with advance payment of the premium tax credit (APTC).
This file contains instructions for filling out Form 8863, which allows you to claim education credits related to qualified education expenses for eligible students. It outlines eligibility requirements and the calculation of both the American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits.
This file contains instructions for filling out Form 8863, which allows you to claim education credits related to qualified education expenses for eligible students. It outlines eligibility requirements and the calculation of both the American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits.
Education Credits: Credits that reduce the amount of tax due and are based on qualified education expenses that the taxpayer paid during the tax year. Lifetime Learning Credit: One of two tax credits available to offset costs of higher education by reducing the amount of income tax.
Download or print the 2023 Federal (Education Credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits)) (2023) and other income tax forms from the Federal Internal Revenue Service.
See Form 8862 and its instructions for details. Use Form 8863 to figure and claim your education credits, which are based on adjusted qualified education expenses paid to an eligible educational institution (postsecondary). For 2023, there are two education credits. The American opportunity credit, part of which may be refundable.