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Some herbal supplements that act like a diuretic or "water pill" may cause "kidney irritation" or damage. These include bucha leaves and juniper berries. Uva Ursi and parsley capsules may also have bad side effects.
31 paź 2023 · Beverages such as coffee, juices, or teas; Ginseng Side Effects. Ginseng side effects are generally mild. It has been reported to cause: Nervousness; Insomnia; Headaches; Dizziness;...
18 paź 2022 · Some herbal teas may be beneficial for people with kidney disease, while others may be potentially dangerous, especially in high amounts, as they could be toxic to the kidneys, contribute to forming kidney stones, or impact blood pressure or potassium levels.
30 wrz 2019 · People with kidney disease have a harder time filtering medications, wastes, and excess fluids from the body, so it’s especially important for this population to know the safety risks of any supplements they’re taking, the researchers say.
We diagnosed acute kidney injury and toxic hepatitis due to ginseng ingestion. She was administered hepatotonics and physiologic saline 80 mL/h. Her liver function improved, but oliguria, general oedema, and renal function (BUN 34.4 mg/dL, Cr 7.7 mg/dL) worsened the next day.
9 maj 2024 · "Packaged herbal and fruit teas are usually safe for people with kidney disease. The ingredients are diluted. Camomile, ginger, peppermint, mint, turmeric, and green tea are safe," says Ravinder.
1 sty 2022 · This table illustrates the variety of reasons why people take these supplements, from weight loss to constipation to diabetes, and the wide range of biological chemicals that have potentially negative side effects related to kidney health and function.