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Currently, there are 334 magnet programs located throughout the District. The approximate number of seats available in 2025-2026 and the number of applications submitted in 2024-2025 to each magnet school/center can be found under each school’s name.
- School List
The on-time Choices application for the 2025-2026 school...
- General Application Guidelines
Three Choices programs (Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet, Schools...
- School List
The on-time Choices application for the 2025-2026 school year is now closed. The late Choices application for next school year (2025-26) will open on February 3, 2025, at 8:00 AM. Late applications are added to the waitlist in the order received.
Unified Enrollment provides the opportunity to apply for several LAUSD programs, including Magnet, PWT, Multilingual Multicultural Program, SAS, ACS, and Affiliated Charter ... integration programs and was established to provide students with integrated school experiences at pre-identified schools within our district. Learn More Play Video ...
The LAUSD Magnet Program is a court-ordered voluntary integration opportunity available to all students in grades K-12 who live within the boundaries of LAUSD.
Three Choices programs (Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet, Schools for Advanced Studies and Admission Criteria Schools) require the applicant to meet specific criteria, even for late applications. If a spot opens up, the school will make contact with more information about eligibility criteria.
Gifted Magnet Programs, coordinated by Student Integration Services, offer self-contained classes and place emphasis on developing higher-level thinking skills in a demanding academic program for students who are entering grades 1–12.
The purpose of this presentation is to learn more about District GATE programs, with an emphasis on Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS), Gifted Magnets and Highly Gifted Magnets. All of these GATE program options are available through the Unified Enrollment/Choices application process at The