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Short videos from Pastor David's topical sermons, special video series, or on Enduring Word itself. For David Guzik's free commentary on the entire Bible, in...
Welcome to the YouTube Channel for David Guzik and Enduring Word. A shorter version of the video telling the story of Enduring Word and David Guzik's commentary on the entire Bible, and a look at...
Daily devotional series "Enduring Word for Troubled Times," in which Pastor David Guzik highlights a brief passage from throughout the Bible - this playlist ...
3 lip 2017 · A Free Biblical Commentary Developed Over the Last Twenty Years For over twenty years Pastor David Guzik has been researching each Bible Passage and creating what Thousands of people have come to...
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Follow Pastor David through the book of 2 Samuel, in this daily video series of verse-specific devotionals. Here is David Guzik's commentary on 2 Samuel: htt...