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  1. The eFBR Taxpayer Facilitation Portal is an online platform for filing income tax returns and accessing tax-related services in Pakistan.

    • Home

      Access the Federal Board of Revenue's Taxpayer Facilitation...

    • Invoice Verification

      Verify invoice information online through the Federal Board...

    • Sales Tax

      Home: e-Payments: Search Taxpayers: Verification: Sales Tax:...

  2. The e-Payment slip can be deposited in any National Bank (NBP)/State Bank (SBP) branch. Select the nearest city where you want to deposit the payment slip from the drop down list. Click the print button to download the PSID on your computer.

  3. Home; Online Services ; Online Services 1. Inland Revenue . FBR معلومات TaxRay; Income Tax - Iris; National Sales Tax Return; Online Verification Portal; ATL(Income Tax) ATL (Sales Tax) e-Payment; Knowledge Base; Computerized Payment Receipt - CPR; Payment of Taxes through Alternate Delivery Channels (ADC), ATM, Online Banking ...

  4. › public › txploginIRIS 2.0

    Login to FBR Maloomat Help FAQ's (PDF) Sales Invoice Template (MS Excel) Sales Tax Annex H Template (MS Excel) Purchase Invoice Template (MS Excel) Import Sales Invoices (PDF) Import Sales Invoices (Video Help) Filling of New Sales Tax & Federal Excise Return (PDF)

  5. FBR -Federal Board of Revenue is the Revenue Division of Government of Pakistan tasked with collecting taxes & duties and administrating relevant legislation.

  6. PREPARATION OF DIRECT TAX PAYMENT 1. Logon to 2. Enter login & password 3. Select e-Payments Direct Tax 4. Enter NTN to retrieve the Tax Depositee data 5. Click the Direct Tax link under the Create payment slip 6. System loads the payment slip

  7. e-Payment for Income Tax, Sales Tax & Federal Excise ; e-Payment Customs Duty; e-Payment FAQs

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