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The e-Payment slip can be deposited in any National Bank (NBP)/State Bank (SBP) branch. Select the nearest city where you want to deposit the payment slip from the drop down list. Click the print button to download the PSID on your computer.
- eFBR - Taxpayer Facilitation Portal - Federal Board of Revenue
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- eFBR - Taxpayer Facilitation Portal - Federal Board of Revenue
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Login to FBR Maloomat Help FAQ's (PDF) Sales Invoice Template (MS Excel) Sales Tax Annex H Template (MS Excel) Purchase Invoice Template (MS Excel) Import Sales Invoices (PDF) Import Sales Invoices (Video Help) Filling of New Sales Tax & Federal Excise Return (PDF)
Access FBR's online services for tax-related activities, including e-payments, e-registration, and filing returns in Pakistan.
GUIDELINES REGARDING E-PAYMENT OF CVT PROPERTY 1- In Tax Depositee particulars please enter NTN No. If the tax Depositee does not have NTN No. (Please Verify from FBR web site). Then enter 9999997 in NTN and enter complete name of depositee. And than select direct taxes from Create Payment Slip .
e-Payment for Income Tax, Sales Tax & Federal Excise ; e-Payment Customs Duty; e-Payment FAQs
10. On pressing the “onfirm” button, your payment creation process is complete and you will get a PSID (Payment Slip ID) number. Please do take print of your PSID slip and note down the PSID number as this will be required to pay through online/mobile banking, OTC (Over the counter payment) and payment using ATM machines. Please