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  1. Available online: 15 December 1890 - 30 December 1922 (9359 issues) Published from 1890 to 1971, Dziennik Chicagoski ("Chicago Daily News") was an independent newspaper, dedicated to producing content that upheld ethnic solidarity and the Catholic faith in Chicago's Polish community.

  2. Dziennik Chicagowski” był tworzony przez przedstawicieli ówczesnej najnowszej imigracji polskiej z lat 80. XX wieku i adresowany dla najnowszej imigracji, zarówno tej zarobkowej („wakacjuszy”), jak i politycznej.

  3. Published from1890 to 1971, Dziennik Chicagoski ("Chicago Daily News") was an independent newspaper, dedicated to producing content that upheld ethnic solidarity and the Catholic faith in...

  4. Dziennik Chicagoski – polskojęzyczna gazeta codzienna w USA wydawana w latach 1890–1971 w Chicago. Założycielami gazety byli dwaj księża ze Zgromadzenia Zmartwychwstania Pana Naszego Jezusa Chrystusa: Wincenty Barzyński (1838–1899, proboszcz polskiej parafii św. Stanisława Kostki w Chicago) i Jan Radziejowski.

  5. Available on microfilm; Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, The Center for Research Libraries, and University of Chicago. In Polish and English. Description based on: Rok. 1, no. 1 (15 grudnia, 1890); title from masthead (, viewed February 21, 2018).

  6. Explore historic Chicago newspapers published in Croation, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Polish, and Slovenian through Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections and Chronicling America. Workers in front of the entrance to the Zgoda print shop and Polish National Alliance building at 1414 (then 112) W. Division St., Chicago. 1889.

  7. Published from1890 to 1971, Dziennik Chicagoski ("Chicago Daily News") was an independent newspaper, dedicated to producing content that upheld ethnic solidarity and the Catholic faith in Chicago's Polish community.

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