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  1. File Weekly Claims for UI Benefits Online with ArkNet. ArkNet is the web-based weekly claims* application used to file for weekly unemployment insurance benefits in Arkansas. If you currently have a valid Arkansas claim for Unemployment Insurance, you may choose to file for weekly benefits online.

    • ArkNet

      Individuals seeking to file unemployment insurance claims...

  2. File weekly claims online using ArkNet. Visit or call ArkLine at 1-501-907-2590. For UI purposes, weeks begin on Sunday and end on Saturday. File continued claims online using ArkNet. You must file a continued claim once you have established a valid initial claim and are determined to be eligible for benefits.

  3. DWS-ARK-502 RB (MARSHALLESE) Weekly Claim Form for Unemployment Benefits; DWS-ARK-502 RB (VIETNAMESE) Weekly Claim Form for Unemployment Benefits; DWS-ARK-502 RB (LAOTIAN) Weekly Claim Form for Unemployment Benefits; Weekly Benefit Amount . DWS-ARK-500.1 Benefit and Earnings Table; U.S. Bank Reliacard. U.S. Bank ReliaCard Pre-Acquisition ...

  4. www.arknet.arkansas.govARKNET-UI

    Individuals seeking to file unemployment insurance claims should only use ADWS secured websites accessible through

  5. Individuals seeking to file unemployment insurance claims should only use ADWS secured websites accessible through

  6. › unemployment › ui-claimant-formsARKNET-UI - Arkansas

    Access UI claimant forms and learn how to file weekly claims for unemployment benefits in Arkansas.

  7. The Easy Arkansas Claims (EZARC) site helps Arkansans file Unemployment Insurance Claims. This program provides unemployment benefits to eligible individuals who have lost their jobs due to reasons beyond their control, such as layoffs or business closures.

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