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1 sty 2020 · Project-based learning (PjBL) is understood to be a promising approach that improves student learning in higher education. Empirical studies on project-based learning have been reviewed with a focus on student outcomes.
- The Reflections of Student Teachers on Project Based Learning and Investigating Self Evaluation Versus Teacher Evaluation
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 242–247...
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Project-based learning (PjBL) is a systematic teaching and...
- Learning in Introductory E-Commerce
We use a project-based teamwork approach to empower students...
- SDLA, PjBL and CnBL
The main teaching methodology was based on L/P/P, therefore,...
- Project Based Learning Experiences in The Space Engineering Education at Technical University of Madrid
The model proposed by EHEA involves the transition from an...
- A Project-Based Approach to Entrepreneurial Leadership Education
As seen in Table 1, while there are similarities in these...
- Collaboration and Learning Outcomes in a Virtual Training Course for Teachers
Project-based learning and project-based tasks Project-based...
- Effects of Remote Labs on Cognitive, Behavioral, and Affective Learning Outcomes in Higher Education
In the last fifteen years, remote labs have become more and...
- The Reflections of Student Teachers on Project Based Learning and Investigating Self Evaluation Versus Teacher Evaluation
5 lip 2020 · Thus, this study aims to develop on using the effectiveness of the PBL approach, as a way to engage students in learning as well as to incorporate literature on the PBL method for educational purposes.
30 mar 2024 · This study rigorously examines Project-Based Learning's (PBL) efficacy in augmenting creative thinking within educational frameworks. It investigates PBL's alignment with psychological tenets and cognitive processes to bolster creative capacities.
15 lip 2021 · Project-based learning is a meaningful instructional approach that enables students to master content knowledge, academic skills and develop skills necessary for future success in twenty-first-century society. Its goal is to increase students’ engagement and help them develop a deeper understanding of important ideas (Blumenfeld et al., 2000).
28 mar 2023 · In the current study, we conducted a multiple case survey study on 16 PBL learning platforms in English and Chinese, collected data on their features and functions, categorized them according to their services provided, and analyzed how they tackle the implementation challenges.
20 paź 2018 · Project-based learning is an instructional approach designed to give students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set around challenges or problems they...
1 paź 2023 · Our research has illustrated how this group of project-based teachers enacted 11 core practices related to four central goals of project-based learning: creating classrooms that are disciplinary, authentic, iterative, and collaborative.