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13 cze 2024 · Landscaping Ideas with Crepe Myrtles. Crepe Myrtles have an attractive, exfoliating bark ranging from gray to pink. These trees are relatively low maintenance and can tolerate various soil conditions, making them a popular landscape choice. 1. Red Crepe Myrtle Shrubs
22 lip 2024 · Today we'll look at the Dwarf and Semi Dwarf cultivars of Crepe Myrtles. We all love the tall beautiful blooming trees, but now we can have those beautiful flowers down low where we can...
In this video I feature a variety of Crepe Myrtles in the landscape and demonstrate how beautifully they work with a myriad of colors and heights. I also sha...
9 gru 2020 · Crape myrtle bushes (Lagerstroemia indica) are attractive varieties of multi-stemmed flowering shrubs with showy red, white, pink or purple flowers. Crape myrtle shrubs flower in summer, turning the large bushes into colorful floral displays that attract birds and pollinators.
13 gru 2022 · This article is a complete guide to magnificent examples of crape myrtle trees, dwarf bushes, and shrubs. Pictures of the large flowering shrubs and descriptions of their flowers, foliage, and bark will help you choose the perfect specimen for your garden landscape.
17 sty 2023 · Crape myrtles are used to grow as small trees once they reach a mature size, occupying large portions in a garden. Thanks to our breeders because dwarf varieties are now available. That means you could enjoy the beauty of their bright flower colors without worrying so much about space. But wait, there’s more.
These are the best low growing Dwarf Crape Myrtle shrubs, often spelled crepe myrtle, that grow under 5 feet in height and are ideal for use as specimens in small landscape spaces or in groupings or as hedges in larger landscape borders to add an unrivaled show of vibrant color during summer.