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  1. Hortensja bukietowa Bombshell to świetna miniaturowa odmiana, która mimo swoich rozmiarów ma ogromne kremowobiałe kwiaty. Zamówienia złożone po 18.11.2024 będą realizowane w nowym sezonie 2025.

  2. Typically growing as a rounded mound to ony 2-3 ft tall and 3-4 ft wide. The dense and nearly rounded flower panicles cover the shrub in large clusters, starting out white, then becoming pink and white by the end of summer. 'Bombshell' blooms earlier and longer than most other paniculata cultivars. Yellow to purple fall color. Hardy to zone 4.

  3. This charming dwarf variety is perfect for small-space gardens and mixed borders. Produces dense panicles of white flowers held on strong stems that won’t droop under the weight of the blooms. Flowers turn from white to pink tones as they age.

  4. view availability and prices. Most cultivars thrive in full sun to partial shade as long as they have adequate moisture and a rich, well-drained soil. Hydrangea arborescens: Blooms on new wood, prune in late winter or early spring. Hydrangea macrophylla: Blooms on old wood, do not prune.

  5. 3 sie 2022 · Hortensja bukietowa (Hydrangea paniculata) odmiana 'Bombshell' PBR to krzew liściasty z rodziny hortensjowatych (Hydrangeaceae). Roślina jest odmianą karłową – dorasta zaledwie do 50-100 cm. Należy do najobficiej kwitnących. Liczne kwiaty pojawiają się na pędach jednorocznych od czerwca do września.

  6. Produces white flowers non-stop, with an extra-long season, from summer to fall. This form maintains its rounded shape with little pruning required. Mature size: 2-3 ft T & 3-4 ft W. Minimum temperature: -40° F. Properties/conditions: This elegant compact selection is perfect for the small garden.

  7. Perfect miniature of the classic PG hydrangea; Fast-growing and just 3 feet tall; Very cold-hardy where other hydrangeas won’t grow; Thrives in ordinary soil in sun or shade; Plant the Bombshell Hydrangea is full sun or partial shade in cooler states, and in partial to light full-shade in warmer areas.

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