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  1. The Dutch education system consists of 8 years of primary education, 4, 5 or 6 years of secondary education (depending on the type of school) and 2 to 6 years of higher education (depending on the type of education and the specialisation).

  2. The Dutch education system consists of eight years of primary education, a diversified secondary education system with different tracks and a binary higher education system. Primary and secondary education. Children are allowed to begin school at the age of four, but are not legally required to do so until the age of five.

  3. The Dutch education system consists of eight years of primary education, a diversified secondary education system with different tracks and a binary higher education system.

  4. › sites › defaultDutch Education System

    Two streams: Senior general secondary education (HAVO) and pre-university education (VWO) Tertiary education (HBO and WO) Pre-vocational education (VMBO) Secondary vocational education (MBO)

  5. › binaries › onderwijsinspectie_engDutch Education System - onderwijs

    One of the key features of the Dutch education system, guaranteed under article 23 of the constitution, is freedom of education, i.e. the freedom to found schools, to organise the teaching in schools and to determine the principles on which schools are based.

  6. › ho › the-dutch-higher-education-system-scheme_update2018The Dutch education system - Erasmus+

    The Dutch education system. The higher education system in the Netherlands is based on a three-cycle degree system, consisting of a bachelor, master and PhD. Two types of programmes are ofered: research-oriented degree programmes ofered by research universities, and professional higher education programmes ofered by universities of applied ...

  7. Netherlands. This country note provides an overview of the key characteristics of the education system in the Netherlands. It draws on data from Education at a Glance 2023.

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