Search results
RESULT NOTIFICATION. It is notified for the information of all concerned that the Results of the Programmes/Courses in respect of which the Examination was held have been declared on the date mentioned against the Programmes/Courses Name and Semester under the respective links below.
LIST OF RESULTS DECLARED STEPS FOR DOWNLOADING THE MARK SHEET FROM NOV-DEC 2012 TO NOV-DEC 2021. Step 1: Please type the following Link to open the “Download Marksheet” Portal. Step 2: Click on the “Pay Fee Amount” link of the corresponding exam session. A ...
Result of II & IV Semester under the CBCS scheme for the Examination held during May-June 2017, U.G. Level.
List of declared results : University of Delhi (Compatible Browser: mozilla firefox) (For any query related to results, students are advised to contact window no.7 of examination branch North Campus on any working day between 9.00am to 3.00pm.)
Delhi University has declared the results of CBCS November and December Exam 2017 along with results of ex-students of erstwhile four-year undergraduate programme. All the candidates can check their results on the official webiste, the link for which is Download and take print out of the same for future use.
SOL Roll No.: * * Exam Roll No.: * * Year of Exam: * Course:
Department of Hindi BA (Hons.) Hindi Category-I fganh dfork ¼vkfndky ,oa fuxqZ.kHkfDr dkO;½ Core Course - (DSC)-1 dksj dkslZ 1 COURSE Nature of the Course Total Credit Componets Eligibility Criteria / Lecture Tutorial Practical Prerequisite fganh dfork % vkfndky ,ao fuxZq.k HkfDrdkO; dksj dkslZ (DSC) 1 4 3 1 -- fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;