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  1. Due to the introduction of laser engraved plates a sharper and a greater detailed images can be printed in Dry Offset. Van Dam Machine modified their printer to be able to exploit the full potential of the laser plate.

  2. Druk w technologii offset polega na przenoszeniu farby drukarskiej z matryc aluminiowych na materiał przygotowany do zadruku. W technice wydruku offsetowego występują aż cztery cylindry, na których umieszczane są kolory z palety barw CMYK (cyjan, magenta, żółty i czarny).

  3. Dry offset printing utilizes a relief printing plate that transfers or “offsets” multiple colors to a rubber pad or blanket. The blanket then transfers an inked image to a substrate such as polypropylene drink cups.

  4. The ultra-high-speed dry offset printing and lacquering machine for plastic tubes. Highlights: Compact machine design for dry offset printing, UV ink curing and over varnishing in one machine with a speed up to 300/min; Safe tube transfer on the pin change; Adjusted operation for mini-tubes with a tube diameter of 10 mm

  5. Kase Equipment has designed the world’s leading pail printers for plastics. Our custom designed dry-offset machinery can be built for round, oval, square, or rectangular pails and is available in 4, 6, and 8 color designs. Kase dry-offset printers can produce speeds up to 30 pails per minute!

  6. 29 wrz 2023 · Druk offsetowy jest jednym z najważniejszych terminów w dziedzinie poligrafii. Wykorzystuje się go od ponad stu lat i jest to najbardziej powszechny sposób drukowania na świecie. Korzysta z niego wiele gałęzi przemysłu: od wydawnictw aż po producentów produktów spożywczych.

  7. Cold web offset printing dries through absorption into the paper, while heat-set utilizes drying lamps or heaters to cure or "set" the inks. Heat-set presses can print on both coated (slick) and uncoated papers, while cold-set presses are restricted to uncoated paper stock, such as newsprint.

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