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4 mar 2021 · Conjugate the verbs Ser and Ir in the preterite tense.
8 lut 2021 · Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.
Practice with three exercises on the conjugations of the verb SER in Spanish and ways to use this irregular verb in sentences.
Free Spanish Grammar Worksheets in PDF with answers for Spanish teachers and students-- Download / print to use in classrooms, homework, etc.
- Regular -er & -ir verbs To refer to a specific action performed at a fixed point in time, a specific number of times or during a specified amount of time, you use the preterite tense.
Practice conjugating and using the verb IR in Spanish in the present tense with three exercises in a nice PDF Worksheet on this topic.
S e r C o n j u g a ti o n Do n ’ t f o rg e t t o p ra ct i ce t h e s e r co n j u g a t i o n u si n g t h e e xe rci se s b e l o w!