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  1. The Board of Barbering and Cosmetology handles complaints involving: gross negligence and/or incompetence; unsanitary conditions in establishments and schools of barbering, cosmetology, and electrology; unlicensed practice of barbering, cosmetology, and electrology; and misrepresentation/false advertising of services.

  2. › consumers › complaints_factsheetComplaint Process - California

    Often, consumers can resolve issues relating to unsatisfactory service by discussing the situation with the licensee who provided the service, or to the establishment’s manager or owner. However, if you are unable to resolve your issue, you may file a complaint with the Board.

  3. board of barbering and cosmetology . p.o. box 944226, sacramento, ca 94244-2260 p (800) 952-5210 f (916) 575-7281 . consumer complaint form . person registering complaint . name (first, last) ... i hereby certify under penalty of pejury under the laws of the state of california that the foregoing information is true and ...

  4. BBC's responsibilities are protecting and educating consumers who seek barbering, cosmetology, and electrology services. BBC also regulates the individuals who provide the services and the salons in which the services are performed. Did you find what you were looking for?

  5. COMPLAINTS. The Board receives and responds to more than 1,600 consumer and industry complaints each year. Each complaint is carefully reviewed to determine if the matter is within the jurisdiction of the Board and to determine possible violations of law. Issues that should be reported to the Board include: • Consumer harm, such as an infection,

  6. 17 paź 2023 · The California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (BBC) was established in 1927 and protects and serves consumers in many ways, such as examining and licensing individuals who have met minimum qualifications in education, experience, and examination requirements.

  7. Cosmetologists are licensed and regulated in California by the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. The Board works to ensure that cosmetologists follow State law and infection control standards. For questions, comments or complaints, contact the Board.