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Appointments: (614) 396-2684. Our physicians are nationally recognized and represent some of the most experienced specialists in advanced urological treatments in the country.
Contact us for more info or to schedule appointment with one of our specialized urologists in the Columbus, Ohio region.
Urologists in Columbus, Ohio specializing in enlarged prostate BPH, bladder control, erectile dysfunction, prostate cancer and general urology for men and women. Skip to content (614) 396-2684
With decades of experience, you can trust OhioHealth Physician Group Urology physicians to be your partner in your best health. Our board-certified urologists have the skill and experience you need for treating a wide range of urologic conditions.
Meet with your provider from the comfort of home over the phone, or with live video using your smartphone, tablet or computer. OhioHealth Physician Group brings skill and expertise to your urology care. Learn more about our commitment to your best treatment.
Jennifer Lam is an Urologist in Columbus, Ohio. Ms. Lam is highly rated in 16 conditions, according to our data. Her top areas of expertise are Familial Prostate Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Bilateral Hydronephrosis, Obstructive Uropathy, and Ureteroscopy.
We are extremely responsive, with same day response to phone calls. We get you in for an appointment within a week, and the same day whenever possible for urological emergencies. We are closed for lunch from noon to 1:00pm, and on Saturdays & Sundays.