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UNIVERSITY STORE AT THE STADIUM. Located on the south side of Boone Pickens Stadium. p. 405.744.9856. Only open during the academic year on game days. Closed from Mid-May to August 1. University Store at the Stadium Hours
The University Store is owned and operated by Oklahoma State University, and every purchase made in the University Store stays on campus to fund student programs and services, keeping student fees to a minimum.
Moore High School 300 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160. Get In Touch. 300 N. Eastern. Moore. OK. 73160. 405-735-4700. Fax 405-814-3013. QUICK LINKS. Contact Us (opens in new window/tab) Careers (opens in new window/tab) Site Map; Transparency (opens in new window/tab) Website Cookies (opens in new window/tab)
Home - Moore High School 405-735-4700 - 9th-12th grade. Skip To Main Content. Close Menu. Search. Clear. Search. About Us. ... There’s So Much More To Moore Public Schools Than You Might Think! These Videos Highlight Why Teachers Choose MPS And Showcase A Few Of Our Learning And Leadership Initiatives. ... OK. 73160. 405-735-4700. Fax 405-814 ...
Explore our interactive, mobile-friendly campus map and search for buildings, landmarks, dining options, parking and more. Find the quickest route to your next class with our wayfinding feature or find out how far the bus is from your stop in real time. Our interactive map is also available to download and print (pdf).
Moore High School is 1 of 3 high schools in the Moore. Moore High School is ranked #13,242-17,655 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required...
The official online store of Oklahoma State University, is owned and operated by the University Store at the OSU Student Union. OSU Clothing & Gifts | Graduation | Supplies | OrangeTech | Textbooks.