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  1. 31 maj 2023 · The Case Status Search is available for the following foreign labor certification programs: To check the status of your PERM application filed before 5/31/2023, please visit

    • About

      About FLAG. In 2018, OFLC undertook a modernization effort...

    • Processing Times

      For various reasons, OFLC may be completing the processing...

    • Copyright Policy

      Public Domain Materials created by the federal government...

    • PERM

      Step 4: Submit a PERM Application. Prior to submitting an...

    • User Guides

      Case Status Search; Processing Times; SUPPORT. Support...

    • Wage and Hour Division

      .whdclose {position: absolute; top: -1em; right: -1em;...

    • FAQ

      Every filer submitting an H-2A Application for Temporary...

    • Contact Us

      Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) ... The U.S....

  2. Submit documents electronically to start an Inquiry/Request: Upload your written inquiry through the ECOMP Upload Documents to Case page for same day receipt by OWCP and the ability to track its status. Accommodation Telephone Inquiries: (202) 513-6802 (Monday-Friday, 9:30am to 6:30pm, ET. Dedicated line for individuals with hearing impairments)

  3. View the status of medical and pharmacy bills submitted in your claim by logging onto ECOMP. If you are a FECA, Energy or Longshore stakeholder, you can also view your case and the status of any disability claims.

  4. › owcplogin › faqOWCP Connect - DOL

    Creating an OWCP Connect account will allow you to log into CQS, where you will be able to see information on case status, compensation payments and compensation claim tracking.

  5. How do I file a claim? You need to complete either form CA-1, "Federal Employee's Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation" or form CA-2 "Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation".

  6. The Federal Regulations administering the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act at §10.110 require a Federal employer to complete and transmit Forms CA-1 and CA-2 to OWCP within 10 working days after receipt of notice from the employee, if the injury or disease will likely result in:

  7. All DOC bureaus use ECOMP to process their injury and illness incident reports (e.g., OSHA-301 form) and file their workers’ compensation claims (e.g., CA-1 or CA-2 forms). New Users register and create an account in ECOMP; Complete OSHA-301 form, Injury and Illness report

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