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To authenticate with the container registry, you can use a: Personal access token. Deploy token. Project access token. Group access token. All of these authentication methods require the minimum scope: For read (pull) access, to be read_registry. For write (push) access, to be write_registry and read_registry.
5 lut 2018 · You need to get a OAuth token by following this article, specify /loginType:OAuth and use the OAuth token as password in the command line: tf workspaces /collection: /loginType:OAuth /login:.,**** Or set up a PAT if you don’t want to use OAuth.
15 kwi 2021 · I’ve confirmed that my project token does work by using curl against the project with the token that has API access: The credentials aren’t passed via -backend-config nor are they put directly in the backend.tfvars file I have with the backend: backend "http" { } backend.tfvars:
20 kwi 2016 · After calling tfx login --service-url it asks for a Personal access token. I can't do anything but press enter key at this prompt. It won't accept any characters nor will it accept the paste command from the window tools Edit/Paste.
User Access Tokens are the preferred way to authenticate an application or notebook to Hugging Face services. You can manage your access tokens in your settings. Access tokens allow applications and notebooks to perform specific actions specified by the scope of the roles shown in the following:
Use the Docker Admin Console to create an access token. Sign in to your Docker account. Select your avatar in the top-right corner and from the drop-down menu select Account settings. In the Security section, select Personal access tokens. Select Generate new token. Add a description for your token.
A Page access access token is used to read, write, and modify the data belonging to a Facebook Page. To obtain a Page access token you need to start by obtaining a user access token then using the user access token to get a Page access token via the Graph API.