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Data sources: 🟢 DMR User DB Created by Brian Jester · © 2021. Need to file a bug/feature request?
6 sty 2022 · The solution was a simple 1-page site where I can lookup a DMR ID or callsign and see the person's info from the DMR database, along with a country flag and a profile picture if available. Recent updates include a "Feeling Lucky" search button just to spice things up. EA1FPN, K8VSY and K4MID like this.
The solution was a simple 1-page site where I can lookup a DMR ID or callsign and see the person's info from the DMR database, along with a country flag and a profile picture if available, and link on the callsign to their QRZ page, and link on their DMRID to their RadioID page
This blog post explores five practical and effective methods for looking up ham radio operators using their Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) IDs. From dedicated databases and software interfaces to community-driven platforms, it provides a comprehensive guide to accessing detailed operator information, enhancing connectivity within the global ham ...
It serves as a quick and easy tool for looking up call signs and DMR IDs without the hassle of distractions, ads, and clutter. However, due to some frustration, I deleted the post.
Simple Lookup: Just enter a DMR ID or call sign, and you'll get the name, location, and call sign. That's it! Clean & Organized: Results are displayed in contrasting colors and a neat table for easy reading. No Ads: The tool is, and will remain, advertisement free.
Quickly access detailed info on any DMR ID—including operator names, locations, and more. Find complete callsign details such as operator class, license status, address, and expiration dates. Search for DMR repeaters by city, state, country, or frequency to improve your communication network.