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Requiring a unun to feed a long wire antenna ideally without a tuner a 9:1 voltage unun design using a T200-2 Toroid core was selected. Figure 1 Typical 9:1 voltage unun and long wire antenna configuration.
- Uanella Current Balun
BALUN 6:1 VOLTAGE - VERSION 2 6:1 Voltage balun using a...
- Guanella Current Balun
Guanella Current Balun - 9:1 VOLTAGE UNUN - VK6YSF
- Version 1
UNUN 9:1 VOLTAGE 9:1 voltage unun using a T-200-2 powdered...
- 1 Ferrite V3
Photo 1 Completed core winding assembly. note fibre glass...
- Projects
BALUN 9:1 VOLTAGE - VERSION 1. 9:1 Voltage balun using a L15...
- HF Feedline Choke & Balun
Note the 200ohm resistor appears as 50ohms due to the 1:4...
- Low VHF Band
- HF Bands
- Uanella Current Balun
These are sometimes known as a Magnetic Longwire Balun. Its really an impedance transformer (9:1) to feed a high impedance, end fed (unbalanced) random wire which is likely to be a few hundred ohms, and transform it into something closer to a 50Ω (unbalanced) coaxial input, hence UnUn.
14 kwi 2002 · My solution was simply to use some scotch tape every couple of inches to organize the cable. The scotch tape will disintegrate over time, but that's OK - the only purpose is to help you wind the wire around the core. Wind 9 turns around the core with the three wires.
Here’s a nice homebrew project that would also suit constructors wanting to build a 9:1 Un-un [Unbalanced to Unbalanced] transformer. The heart of the Un-un uses a Type 43 [FT240-43] core and consists of a trifilar [3 wire] winding arrangement around the core.
With this Un-Un you can find out the best ratio. Here with a test resistor for proving the impedance. Switchable MTFT. Here a simpler Un-Un with fixed taps. The built-in-ATUs of TS-480, TS-590S and IC-7400 have no problem to tune this wire from 7-28 MHz in all bands.
With the view to establish a quick and easy multi-band antenna for portable and camping operations a simple long wire antenna with an earth or earth plus counterpoise arrangement with a 9:1 voltage unun including a tuner or simply with a tuner is one possible solution.
12 sie 2016 · In many cases, the impedance can be transformed with the help of a 9:1 unun (unbalanced input to unbalanced output). See the figure at right. A 9:1 unun is a transformer that reduces the impedance at the input by a factor of 9.