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  1. Antennas 101 13 The Dipole - 1 •Oldest and simplest form of antenna –“Di” (two) “Pole” (voltage polarity) –Usually 1/2-wavelength long •Similar to a vibrating string’s fundamental –Current maximum in the middle –Voltage maximum at the ends •Pattern repeats every 1/2-wavelength –Direction or amplitude is reversed 2013

  2. › docs › Stearns_K6OIK-Dipole_Basics-ARRL_Pacificon-Oct_2019-r1Dipole Basics -

    The dipole is the most basic of antennas. A proper understanding of dipole properties and characteristics is essential to understanding many other antennas including complementary antennas such as slots. In this tutorial, Steve Stearns, K6OIK, explains the basic characteristics of dipoles for transmitting and receiving.

  3. In this presentation we will build a very simple dipole antenna and consider many practical aspects of what it takes to get a high performing antenna. . pt is really quite simple. The antenna itself consists of two equal lengths of wire, separated by an insulator. The e. ator is a half-wavelength.

  4. Antennas & Projects 20.1 ANTENNA BASICS very ham needs at least one antenna, and most hams have built one. This chapter, by Chuck Hutchinson, K8CH, covers theory and construction of antennas for most radio amateurs. Here you’ll find simple verticals and dipoles, as well as quad and Yagi projects and other antennas that you can build and use.

  5. The λ/2-length antenna shown in Figure 2 is called a dipole antenna. However, most antennas in printed circuit boards achieve the same performance by having a λ/4-length conductor in a particular way.

  6. Build a Classic Multiband Dipole Antenna. We. e amateurs have been using it for more than 100 years. This antenna will allow you to operate on several HF frequency bands, and it radiates signals eficiently, sending much of the RF en. Antenna Wires and Feed Lines.

  7. General 1. Wavelength and Frequency 3. Polarization 5. Attenuation 6. Ionosphere 6. II ANTENNA CHARACTERISTICS. 9.

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