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.2 fire prevention and fire fighting as set out in table A-VI/1-2: .2.1 use self-contained breathing apparatus; and .2.2 effect a rescue in a smoke-filled space, using an approved smoke-generating device aboard, while wearing a breathing apparatus.
Table A-VI/5 - 2 - Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence competence Maintain and Knowledge of the methods supervise the and procedures used to implementation of modify the ship security plan a ship security
11 sie 2021 · meet the standard of competence for certificates of proficiency in fast rescue boats, set out in section A-VI/2, paragraphs 7 to 10 of the STCW Code.
4 Taking into account the instructions of the Conference and documents STCW/CONF/5/Rev.1, STCW/CONF/DC/2 and STCW/CONF/DC/2/Corr.1, the Secretariat has prepared the full text of the STCW Code, attached hereto.
6 cze 2022 · Seafarers shall receive safety familiarization and basic training or instruction in accordance with section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code and shall meet the appropriate standard of competence specified therein.
The amendments updated chapter I (General provisions) to the STCW Convention and chapter I (Standards regarding general provisions) to the STCW Code, part A, entered into force on 1 January 2016. The 2015 amendments were adopted by resolutions MSC.396(95) and MSC.397(95).
Has the Administration established measures to enforce STCW Convention and Code requirements for the purpose of preventing drug and alcohol abuse?