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The MUSE Design Awards is an international design competition dedicated to recognizing excellent and original design work from across the globe. 2025 Categories include: » design. deadline:...
- architecture archives | designboom | architecture & design magazine
architecture on designboom surveys the contemporary...
- designboom competitions |
Asia Design Prize 2025 celebrates outstanding designs in...
- architecture archives | designboom | architecture & design magazine
COMPETITIONS. a collection of international creative competitions on designboom, always free and open to all. publish my work. promote my project. share my vision. POPULAR NOW! DAB motors...
Asia Design Prize 2025 celebrates outstanding designs in industrial, architecture, and communication categories with global recognition.
Designboom. Konkurs dla projektantów wnętrz oraz dla projektantów form przemysłowych.
Designboom runs several international design competitions each year, in partnership with large companies. [6] In addition, Designboom hosts young designers "marts" at a range of furniture and design fairs, an exhibition format that it introduced in 2005 at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair in New York City, and which has since ...
A' Design Award and Competition offers a comprehensive prize package for astounding creative projects. submit by february 28th to join this cohort of acclaimed designers....
As talent scouters and trend forecasters, designboom is internationally known for organizing design competitions with an impressive participation rate of 4-6000 professionals.