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For Guest Access/Delegate accounts, contact your student to reset your password. Student Worker accounts can be reset by contacting the Help Desk [ or call (312) 362-8765].
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Class Search via Campus Connect. Current students preparing...
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Try the “can’t access your account” link above, visit, or contact the Help Desk at (312) 362-8765 or Security warning: Before entering your BlueKey credentials, verify that the address in your web browser starts with
A web-based learning management system that allows students to log in using their institution's Blackboard Learn site address, username and password.
D2L is DePaul's Learning Management System (LMS). Use your BlueKey credentials to login. For issues with logging in, please contact the Help Desk .
Using D2L, instructors can give students online access to course syllabi, assignments, readings, electronic drop boxes, online quizzes, discussion boards, grades, and more. To log in, navigate to and use your Blue Key username and password.
You need to have joined at least 1 group and be validated by the officers of at least 1 group, in order to be able to sign in. Are you using your CampusGroups or Ready Campus password? Your University/College password won't work so you must use your CampusGroups password.
Logging Into Campus Connect. Campus Connect requires your BlueKey login credentials; however, guests may enter without logging in to view the course catalog, class schedules, or to make a payment on behalf of a student. What's In Campus Connect For Students: Look up course information, register for courses, and view schedule; Review grade history