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2-Naphthol | C10H8O | CID 8663 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
Density (Liquid in equilibrium with Gas) as a function of Temperature Temperature from 395.2 K to 815 K Density (Gas) as a function of Temperature and Pressure
ChemSpider record containing structure, synonyms, properties, vendors and database links for 2-Naphthol, 135-19-3, 742134
Sucrose is a nonreducing disaccharide produced by crystallization from syrups derived from processing sugarcane and sugarbeets. Sucrose’s most important properties are its water solubility and its...
Sneak a peek at the new battery materials data collection. Properties appearing with 2-naphthol.
Molecular mass: 144.2 Boiling point: 285°C Melting point: 122°C Density: 1.28 g/cm³ Solubility in water, g/100ml at 25°C: 0.074 Vapour pressure, Pa at 25°C: 2 Relative vapour density (air = 1): 5 Flash point: 153°C Auto-ignition temperature: 550°C Octanol/water partition coefficient as log Pow: 2.7
2-Naphthol, or β-naphthol, is a fluorescent colorless (or occasionally yellow) crystalline solid with the formula C 10 H 7 OH. It is an isomer of 1-naphthol , differing by the location of the hydroxyl group on the naphthalene ring.