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Delaware Technical Community College competes in Region XIX of the National Junior College Athletic Association in the following sports: baseball, men’s and women’s basketball, cross country, lacrosse, softball, and women's volleyball.
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Summer Semester 2025 Payment Plan Enrollment Period March 31 - May 26, 2025 Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. April 2, 2025 Summer Semester Begins May 19, 2025 College Closed – Memorial Day Holiday May 24-26, 2025 College Closed – Juneteenth Holiday June 19, 2025 College Closed – Independence Day Holiday July 4, 2025 Summer Semester Ends August 10, 2025
Delaware Technical Community College 100 Campus Drive, Dover, DE 19904
Delaware Technical Community College, Dover, Delaware. 7,603 likes · 89 talking about this. Delaware Tech is a statewide multi-campus community college committed to providing affordable, open
The home page of the athletics website. Here there will important genreal announcements about sports. Students can also use the sign up forms at the bottom to play a sport.
Delaware Tech’s athletics programs recently wrapped up the 2022-2023 seasons with Athletics Awards Night events held in each county. The...