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2 gru 2014 · Everything we do or think depends on our memory, which is active every moment, receiving new information from our senses, updating existing knowledge using focus and attention, retrieving the...
Firstly, we highlight the main insights and contributions of Maurice Halbwachs’ theory of collective memory and, secondly, we draw the further developments by the Memory Studies. We point out...
13 gru 2023 · Memory profoundly define individual beliefs and identity, shaping how societies make decisions. Five key memory phenomena include—first impressions and the primacy effect, risky decision-making and memory availability, information reliability and source memory, music preferences and the reminiscence bump, and long-term planning and episodic ...
We trace lineages of the enterprise, review basic definitional disputes, outline a his-torical approach, and review sociological theories concerning the statics and dynamics of social memory. ... the time is past in which time did not matter. Modem man no longer works at what cannot be abbreviated...
7 gru 2017 · First are culture-specific schemata, which help determine what is meaningful within a particular community, and thus what is memorable or easily forgotten. Second are effects of communicative remembering. Selective retelling of the past can induce forgetting in both speakers and listeners.
established memory as one of the main discourses in social science, owns much to the Durkheimian perspective's definition of memory as essentially social, located in insti- tutions in the forms of rules, laws and commemoration rituals. Durkheim' s belief that every society exhibits and requires a sense of continuity with the past, as elaborated by.
1 mar 2001 · It offers an overview of themes and issues around (1) the social aspects of individual memory; (2) collective memories; and (3) cultural attitudes towards memory.