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  1. THE ARTIFACT AS ICON IN SCIENCE FICTION 53 processes. At its most ambitious, as in several recent science fic-tion works, the imaginary artifact may embed within it many of science fiction's most popular icons, and become emblematic of the systematic wonder that many regard as the genre's most potent source of appeal.

  2. 2 paź 2014 · Darko Suvin’s Metamorphoses of Science Fiction defined SF as “a literary genre whose necessary and sufficient conditions are the presence and interaction of estrangement and cognition.” The consequence was a general neglect of science fiction in other media.

  3. Abstract. Science fiction and contemporary art are connected by a set of related conceptual interests and formal expressions. This paper argues that two concepts in the critical study of SF, the novum and cognitive estrangement, are applicable to the practice and interpretation of much contemporary art.

  4. To turn from other modern fiction to science fiction is oddly like turning from Renaissance painting with all the flesh and foreshortening to the clarity and luminousness of painters who paint ideas. For this reason, science fiction, like much medieval art, can deal with transcendental events.

  5. 2 paź 2014 · While some have seen extrapolation and speculation as opposites, others have seen them as sequential stages in an imaginative process, and still others have used the terms interchangeably, the distinctions between them blurred by differing conceptions of plausibility and of science.

  6. Science fiction art is a type of illustration that contains themes such as the future, otherworldly, and fanciful. It frequently features future cities, spacecraft, and technology, as well as extraterrestrial worlds and monsters.

  7. 1 mar 2022 · In our study, we aimed to measure the thickness and mechanical properties (force, displacement, and stiffness) of the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal human dura using histologic sections. The dura samples are obtained in the sagittal and transverse directions at each region of the human brain.

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