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Regular immigration: The EU has the authority to establish the conditions for entry and legal residence in a Member State, including for family-reunification purposes, applicable to nationals of non-EU countries. Member States retain the right to set quotas for admitting individuals from non-EU countries seeking employment.
The term immigration policy encompasses all those measures by which a state regulates the influx of persons, in particular those who want to establish residence in their territory either temporarily or permanently.
Regular pathways are essential to realizing the promise of migration. This publication, based on the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) data from 100 national and 69 local-level assessments conducted between 2016 and 2023, provides insights into what pathways for regular migration look like around the world. Read more.
Well-defined rules address the treatment of a range of migrants including, among others: migrant women, men, children, refugees, stateless persons, migrant workers, and migrant victims of trafficking.
17 paź 2020 · The immigration policy mix allows us to assess differences in the openness of admission channels and to describe which admission motivation countries prioritise. In this paper, we specifically focus on the mix of asylum and labour migration policies.
The aim of this paper is to present the Immigration Policies in Comparison (IMPIC) project, which proposes a new and comprehensive way to measure immigration regulations. The dataset covers all major fields and di-mensions of immigration policies for 33 OECD countries between 1980 and 2010.
define clear and transparent rules for entry and residence in the EU; provide information to potential immigrants and applicants, in particular on their rights and obligations as EU residents; provide support and assistance on complying with entry and residence conditions to countries of origin as well as destination;