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  1. Body Image is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality, scientific articles on body image and human physical appearance. Body image represents a person's "inside view" of their body-that is, their feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs about their body that impact …

  2. 4 paź 2023 · This systematic review indicates that sufficiently well-established and psychometrically robust measures exist to assess evaluative body image in various populations, like the original and revised Body Appreciation Scale (BAS and BAS-2 , respectively), the Body Esteem Scale for Adolescents and Adults (BESAA ), the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ ...

  3. 18 sty 2018 · Here we address this gap in knowledge by utilizing medical databases and mathematical modeling to reveal the organizational structure, predicted function, and neural control of the musculoskeletal system.

  4. This brief editorial article introduces the new scientific journal, Body Image: An International Journal of Research, and describes its rationale and mission in relation to the history and future of the study of body image and human appearance.

  5. 16 sie 2023 · Here we (1) investigate whether neophytes may drive hybrid formation globally and (2) gain insights into the potential long‐ and short‐term evolutionary consequences of anthropogenic hybridization.

  6. 21 maj 2012 · Because of their spectacular, naturalistic pictures of plants and the human body, Leonhart Fuchs' De historia stirpium and Andreas Vesalius' De humani corporis fabrica are landmark publications in the history of the printed book.

  7. 18 lis 2024 · "Growing collection of over 1100 text supported microscopic and macroscopic images and videos drawn from commercially prepared slide collections and live specimens commonly used in the study of Biology, Botany, Zoology, Histology and Microbiology." High quality images released into the public domain.

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