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This Guide is a simple script for people to teach individuals with developmental disabilities to learn and practice a basic problem solving model called S.T.O.G. (See, Think, O.K.?, Go). This guide was field tested with 75 people with a range of developmental disabilities and 25 support staff.
Research suggests that students with LD learn best with a carefully structured academic lesson one where the teacher explains what he or she wants students to learn in the current lesson and places these skills and knowledge in the context of previous lessons.
A Person with a learning disability may experience a cycle of academic failure and a lowered self-esteem. Having these handicaps or living with someone who has them can bring overwhelming frustration.
taught four students with intellectual disabilities to use problem-solving skills to achieve self-set educational goals that related to increasing contributions to classroom discussions and increasing direction-following behavior.
We conducted research on how school personnel sorted students who were achieving poorly in school into those who were and those who were not LD, and worked to develop improved ways to use assessment information to plan and adapt instructional interven-tions.
students with learning disabilities. When contemplating the instruction for students with learning disabilities, a teacher’s first emphasis should be a general reflection and reconfiguration of the instructional space and instructional approaches to more easily differentiate the instruction in the class and thus accommodate the needs of students
‘Learning disorder’ or ‘learning disability’ refers to different types of problems that affect how a person receives and processes information. People with learning disabilities have trouble in one of three foundational areas: reading, writing, and math.