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Check accurate weather in December in Pokhara. Expect Pokhara December temperature around 17°C (62°F). Read clothing tips & recommended activities.
December is a good time to visit Pokhara. The weather is usually moderately chilly and comfortable, with temperatures ranging from 38—57°F (3—14°C). There are plenty of events to check out and activities to try in Pokhara during this time.
The weather in Pokhara in December is very cold with temperatures between 39°F and 55°F, warm clothes are a must. Pokhara is going to be cold and wet in the month of December. Expect low temperatures and a few days of rain, so be sure to bundle up to avoid catching a cold.
Weather in Pokhara in December: air temperature, number of sunny days, precipitation, air pressure and humidity. Montly weather forecast in Pokhara on Meteum
What is the best time to visit Pokhara? September to November is the best time to visit Pokhara; it is also considered as the peak tourist season. December to February are the coldest months in Pokhara.
Pokhara temperature ranges between 10°C to 28°C, making it pleasantly warm during the daytime and cool in the evenings. The landscape comes alive with blooming rhododendrons and other flowers, painting the city in vibrant hues.
4 wrz 2024 · In Greece, December means winter is knocking on the door. Temperatures usually hover around 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F), depending on where you are. Athens and other coastal areas enjoy milder weather, while mountainous regions see the mercury dipping a bit lower.