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  1. The DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, codenamed Second Sun and DS-2, also known as the Death Star MK. 2, the Death Star Mark 2, Battle Station DS-II, or simply the second Death Star, was a partially completed moon-sized battle station constructed by the Galactic Empire as the successor...

  2. The Death Star II was the second Death Star battle station to be constructed by the Galactic Empire. It was the same size as its predecessor, measuring 160 kilometers in diameter, and was built after the destruction of the first Death Star at the Battle of Yavin.

  3. Z początku szacowano, że bez uszczerbku dla systemów zasilających Gwiazda będzie w stanie oddać dziennie 3 strzały pełnej mocy (co 8 godzin), lub też do 24 przy mocy minimalnej (co 2 godziny). Ostatecznie jednak udało się osiągnąć nawet lepszą szybkostrzelność, czego dowiedziono podczas bitwy pod Endorem.

  4. The DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station (more commonly known as the Death Star II) is the second Death Star battle station constructed by the Galactic Empire. Much larger than its predecessor, measuring 200 kilometers in diameter, it was only partly complete after the destruction of the first Death Star at the Battle of Yavin.

  5. Locations on the second Death Star. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

  6. › wiki › DS-2_Death_Star_II_Mobile_Battle_StationDS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station

    The DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, also known as the Death Star MK. 2, or simply the second Death Star, was a partially completed moon-sized battle station constructed by the Galactic Empire as the successor to the first Death Star.

  7. Large pieces of the second Death Star landed in the oceans of the moon Kef Bir, poisoning the waters around them. Decades after the Battle of Endor, Rey explored these ruins in search of a Sith wayfinder hidden away in Palpatine’s vault. Visit the Databank and learn more about the second ultimate battlestation created by The Empire.

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