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Exams › The latest information on current and upcoming exams is available from the Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). Go to DCAS to Get the Latest Exam Schedules
Exam Year 2024/2025 - Firefighter Computer-Based Test Tutorial. This section provides information to help you prepare for the computer‐based test (CBT), including: An overview of the CBT system; Sample test questions; and; An outline of important considerations for taking the Firefighter CBT; Using the CBT System
DCAS exams only include more than ten different types of pre-employment exams for civil service positions. This page will provide candidates with free practice materials for the NYC DCAS Civil Service and the NYC Bridge Exam, reflecting the real exam experience.
Exam No. Application Period Start Date Application Period End Date Open Competitive/ Promotion. 40731 ACTUARIAL SPECIALIST 5000 2/5/2025 2/25/2025 Open Competitive ... To receive monthly exam updates, sign up for the DCAS newsletter at and click the Exams tab.
Your journey to a job in city government starts here – and it requires you to take a civil service exam. Your score can qualify you for current available job openings related to the exam. Click on the arrow below to find the exam you want to take, which will begin your registration process.
You may come to the DCAS Computer-based Testing & Application Centers to apply for this examination online. The centers will be open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM:
The Fire Cadet Academy will prepare Cadets to meet all qualification requirements for appointment to Probationary Firefighter. For more information on civil service exams, please visit the DCAS website.