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When the transistor switch is on (fully saturated), max. current will flow through the relay and the collector circuit which is \$\approx 5/125 = 40mA\$. You just have to make sure if it's within the current limits of the relay and the transistor, going through the data sheet.
Calculate the current going through any branch in a parallel circuit using DigiKey's Current Divider calculator.
This free online circuit solver tool can calculate the transfer function of circuits built from resistors, capacitors, inductors and op-amps. The user can quickly explore different topologies and find their Laplace transform
In this article we will comprehensively study a transistor relay driver circuit and learn how to design its configuration by calculating the parameters through formulas. Relays are one of the most important components in electronic circuits.
With this, when calculating for the boost circuit: $$VIN X tON = tOFF X VL$$ And because: $$VOUT = VIN + VL$$ We can then establish the relationship: $$VOUT = VIN × (1 + tON/tOFF)$$ Using the relationship for duty cycle (D): $$tON/(tON + tOFF) = D$$ Then for the boost circuit: $$VOUT = VIN/(1-D)$$ Similar derivations can be made for the buck ...
This tool allows you to easily calculate power if you know current and voltage. Voltage is energy per unit charge. Current is the rate of electric charges moving through a conductor. Electrical power is the product of voltage and current.
Effortlessly calculate DC power circuits on CalcTree. Free-to-use DC power circuits calculator. Optimize your electrical designs. Try it now!