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Effective immediately, any healthcare provider who is interested in applying for a new health professional license, or to renew, reinstate, or reactivate an existing license, may do so by going to the below link and submitting an online application.
5 mar 2024 · An out-of-state pharmacy that intends to ship prescription drugs, over-the- counter drugs, or controlled substance drugs to or within the District of Columbia must first obtain a DC registration, by submitting the required application(s), fees, and supporting documentation, as outlined below.
This package contains the forms to apply for a Pharmacist license or Pharmacist Intern registration in the District of Columbia. Follow the instructions provided below and complete all sections.
This package contains the forms to apply for a Pharmacist license or Pharmacist Intern registration in the District of Columbia. Follow the instructions provided below and complete all sections.
The State of Florida's Online Resource for Pharmacists, Pharmacies, Pharmacy Interns and Pharmacy Technician Licensing, Renewals and Information - Florida Department of Health
Effective immediately, any healthcare provider who is interested in applying for a new health professional license, or to renew, reinstate, or reactivate an existing license, may do so by going to the below link and submitting an online application.
Click on the appropriate tab below to see the Initial Licensing Requirements, Process, Fees, Helpful Forms and Links, and Statutes and Administrative Rules for a Pharmacist Licensure by Examination for U.S. and Puerto Rico Graduates.