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🟡🔵 VRChat API Library for JavaScript and TypeScript. Latest version: 1.18.8, last published: 21 days ago. Start using vrchat in your project by running `npm i vrchat`.
Some issues can be solved by clearing the cache with npm cache clean. Run this command and try again. If it still doesn't work, use the -verbose argument to get more output on the installation to see more details. Thank you friend, for the help But it sends $ npm cache clean npm ERR!
11 sty 2013 · Day.js is a minimalist JavaScript library that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays dates and times for modern browsers with a largely Moment.js-compatible API. If you use Moment.js, you already know how to use Day.js.
A JavaScript/TypeScript/NodeJS client to interact with the unofficial VRChat API. Supports all REST calls specified in the API specification.
🟡🔵 VRChat API Library for JavaScript and TypeScript. Latest version: 1.18.1, last published: 2 months ago. Start using vrchat in your project by running `npm i vrchat`.
1 cze 2024 · Issues with the VRChat SDK are most commonly caused by the following reasons: You've imported an editor asset that is outdated or is no longer supported, causing it to conflict with the current version of the VRChat SDK. You've imported an avatar from a Unity Package that was exported incorrectly or included conflicting scripts.
7 gru 2023 · I'm getting errors related to SDK3 or Udon in a project using SDK2 or VRC_SpatialAudioSource in a project using SDK3! Follow the correct steps on removing your SDK by closing Unity and removing all the SDK related folders and their related .meta files.