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Since VCDs are nothing more than mpeg files (with .dat) extension, you can easily use Handbrake to transcode them to m4v. Handbrake also allows you to select which tracks you want to keep, although if each track is its own file, you may need to use MP4Box to merge them together.
21 sie 2001 · I've always had to convert the .dat to an .mpg using vcd gear. Is there a way to avoid this conversion? I've tried dropping the .dat file straight into toast (with the vcd setting), but toast 5 doesn't let me.
24 lut 2017 · I have a VCD that has files with .DAT extension. I have got the following folders in this CD: CDI. EXT. MPEGAV. SEGMENT. VCD. and my files names are as follows: AVSEQ01.DAT. How do I convert it?
19 lut 2003 · Hello everybody! Was wondering is there a software to import VCD (*.dat) into Mac? I've tried direct copy (cut&paste) without avail. I wanna import...
4 gru 2002 · I can copy it on a PC, but a on a Mac. Now I'm doing it from VirutalPC and win98. It's just so slow with this method. Any suggestion?
Tất cả các file folder trong USB của tôi tự động chuyển thành file có đuôi là .exe. Làm sao để khắc phục được lỗi này?
15 wrz 2007 · Hi I have a VCD that I want to record to my hard disc, then use the movie in iMovie, and finally iDVD. The VCD has a file which is a .dat that will play...