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Complete set of thematic maps supplementing the Danube River Basin District Management Plan - Update 2015.
DRBMP 2015: DRBMP 2015 Map 2 Ecoregions: Ecoregions in Danube River Basin District: Download PDF: GeoTIFF, JPG, PDF, PNG, SVG, TIFF: DRBMP 2015: DRBMP 2015 Map 3 Surface Water Bodies: Delineated Surface Water Bodies (SWB Nodes) Download PDF: GeoTIFF, JPG, PDF, PNG, SVG, TIFF: DRBMP 2015: DRBMP 2015 Map 4 Transboundary Groundwater Bodies
View a 5-day forecast of Danube water levels to help you stay prepared. Explore Budapest Danube River and its iconic landmarks. Stay up-to-date with the latest water levels and plan your river cruise today.
View the latest measurements of the current water level in the Danube River Basin.
Electronic Navigational Charts for the Danube River are available for download from the following links: Germany (river km 2414,7 – 2201,8): Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes
Welcome to the Danube River Basin Hydrological Information System - in short: DanubeHIS! Featured results: Measurements with highest percentage increase in last 24 hours.
Plan your Danube River cruise with confidence using Alle Travel's guide to water levels by month. Find the best time to travel and avoid potential disruptions due to fluctuating river conditions.