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  1. The Digital Dante edition of the Commedia features the Petrocchi edition of the Italian text, the Longfellow and Mandelbaum English translations, historical images, audio recordings, and the Commento Baroliniano. (Dante Alighieri)

  2. Collection of sourced quotations by Dante Alighieri on love. Discover popular and famous love quotes by Dante Alighieri.

  3. Love, that allows no loved one to be excused from loving, seized me so fiercely with desire for him, it still will not leave me, as you can see. Love led us to one death. Caïna, in the ninth circle waits, for him who quenched our life.’

  4. Discover Dante Alighieri famous and rare quotes. Share Dante Alighieri quotations about soul, heaven and heart. "Everywhere is here and every when is now."

  5. 1 paź 2024 · I love Dante almost as much as the Bible. He is my spiritual food, the rest is ballast. James Joyce, as quoted in Richard Ellmann, James Joyce (1959), p. 226. Dante has not deigned to take his inspiration from any other. He has wished to be himself, himself alone; in a word, to create.

  6. Find the quotes you need in Dante Alighieri's Inferno, sortable by theme, character, or section. From the creators of SparkNotes.

  7. Discover Dante Alighieri quotes about love. Share with friends. Create amazing picture quotes from Dante Alighieri quotations.