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  1. › books › NBK600607Dry and Transition Cows

    30 sie 2021 · NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS FOR PREGNANCY AND TRANSITION. Nutrient requirements for pregnancy can be found in the individual nutrient chapters. Colostrum synthesis, although not a gestational requirement, can represent a significant draw on some nutrients during the last several days of gestation.

  2. Due to the pattern of protein accumulation in the gestational com-ponents, we suggest an exponential model to describe protein requirements for pregnancy for dairy cows. Key words: fetal growth, fetus, gestation. CSIRO (2007), INRA (2018), NASEM (2021), and NRC (2001).

  3. Diets must have sufficient nutrient concentrations to support production and metabolic health, while also supporting rumen health and the efficiency of fermentative digestion. The cornerstone of dairy nutrition is managing feed intake relative to absolute nutrient requirements.

  4. › animal › nutritionLactating cows - DairyNZ

    Consider factors like maintenance, milksolids production, walking, weight change, and feed wastage to work out daily requirements. These calculations are important to keep your cows healthy and maximise milk production.

  5. Optimal nutrition during pregnancy and lactation is vital for the health of the mother and fetus. Nutritional needs should begin in the preconception period, as the fetus depends on the placenta for essential nutrients required for growth and development.

  6. Throughout pregnancy and lactation, energy and nutrient requirements are increased to support normal development and health of the fetus and infant.

  7. Maternal requirements for energy, protein, and most micronutrients are highest during pregnancy and lactation due to fetal and maternal tissue growth, birth, and rapid growth during infancy (3).