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All nets and regular activities should begin using REF003A beginning Monday, September 8. Repeater administrators should change the default link for their repeater to REF003A during the change window above and complete by the end of day on Sunday, September 8.
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D-STAR InfoCon @ Dayton Hamvention 2014. Show us your star!...
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Any station that wants to respond to your call needs to know how to program their radio. You can't hear remote activity - When you have your radio set to talk to someone other than your local module, you can't hear any of the remote stations.
D-Star, Digital Smart Technology for Amateur Radio. So, we know its digital, but what's smart about it? Imagine a packet radio data signal, lots of 0's and 1's being sent via radio waves.
There are many ways to program your D-STAR radio for easy and convenient use. Frequently used D-STAR commands can be stored in memories for quick and easy recall.
As you first un-box your new D-STAR radio, the first thing to do is to make sure that it works on FM. So program your favorite repeater and try it out for a little bit. Once you know your radio is working, then it is time to start thinking D-STAR.
D-STAR compatible radios are available for VHF, UHF, and 1.2 GHz amateur radio bands. In addition to the over-the-air protocol, D-STAR also supports network connectivity, enabling D-STAR radios to be connected to the Internet to stream voice and data communications .
repeater controller to the distant D-star repeater’s gateway. The gateway system functions as a specialized router for the 4800 baud D-Star data streams