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  1. Enter “D”, “F”, or “M” corresponding to each Schedule B commodity being shipped. DOMESTIC EXPORTS (D): merchandise grown, produced, or manufactured in the U.S. (including imported merchandise that has been enhanced in value or changed from the form in which imported

  2. The Shipper’s Letter of Instructions (SLI) is a shipping document, completed by the shipper/exporter, that provides transportation and documentation instructions for a freight forwarder or carrier.

  3. example, a shipment covering goods laden aboard a truck at a warehouse in Georgia for transport to Florida for loading onto a vessel for export to a foreign country shall show Georgia as the state of origin. The U.S. state of origin may be different from the U.S. state where the goods were produced, mined, or grown.

  4. 12 wrz 2020 · A shipper’s letter of instruction (SLI), also known as the shipper’s export declaration, is an authorization document that is issued by the exporter to its agents or freight forwarders.

  5. A Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (SLI) is a document filed by the exporter of a shipment that clearly indicates all relevant shipping information, which freight forwarding agent it has appointed and how the shipment is to be handled.

  6. A Shipper's Letter of Instruction (SLI) is a shipping document, generated by the exporter, that provides transportation and documentation instructions for a freight forwarder.

  7. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE SHIPPER’S LETTER OF INSTRUCTION (SLI) 1.U.S. Principal Party In Interest (USPPI) -Provide the name and address of the U.S. exporter (U.S. principal party in interest). The USPPI is the person in the United States that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, of the export transaction.

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