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23 mar 2022 · People who are more likely to experience signs and symptoms of CMV include: Newborns who became infected with CMV before they were born (congenital CMV). Infants who become infected during birth or shortly afterward (perinatal CMV). This group includes babies infected through breast milk.
About 50% of children who have symptoms of CMV at birth will have lasting health effects. These often include hearing or vision loss and developmental differences. Hearing loss can develop later even if your child didn’t have symptoms of CMV at birth.
If you have a weakened immune system and get CMV, you can have more serious symptoms affecting the eyes; lungs; liver; esophagus; stomach; and intestines. In babies. Babies born with CMV can have brain, liver, spleen, lung, and growth problems. The most common long-term health problem in babies born with CMV infection is hearing loss.
CMV is the most common infection acquired before birth—known as a "congenital" CMV infection—in the United States. Read on to learn about signs of CMV, ways to treat congenital CMV infection and what to know about CMV in pregnancy. How does CMV affect children? CMV infection is generally mild.
In healthy kids, a CMV infection is rarely serious. Any symptoms it does cause usually are mild and temporary. But cytomegalovirus (site-uh-meg-uh-low-VY-rus) can cause problems for an unborn child whose mother has the virus and for people with weak immune systems. What Are the Signs & Symptoms of CMV? The symptoms of a CMV infection vary.
Symptoms of a CMV infection may look similar to mononucleosis (fever, swollen glands, constant fatigue, tonsillitis, liver malfunction). It is estimated that half of all adults are or have been infected by the time they reach 30 years old.
CMV without symptoms is common in older babies and young children. It is found in saliva, urine, semen, and other body fluids. The virus is easily spread in households and in daycare centers. It can be transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy (called congenital CMV) and to the baby during delivery or in breast milk. Why is CMV a concern?