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Wind S 14 mph. Wind Gusts 30 mph. Probability of Precipitation 0% Current weather in Tulsa, OK. Check current conditions in Tulsa, OK with radar, hourly, and more.
Partly cloudy. Sunny. Clear. Sunny. Humidity: 73%. Wind: 11 mph ↑ from North. Passing clouds. Need some help?
Currently: 71 °F. Sunny. (Weather station: Tulsa International Airport, USA). See more current weather. Sunny. Clear. Mostly clear. Scattered clouds. Partly cloudy. Broken clouds. Partly cloudy. Mostly sunny. Sunny. Scattered clouds. Need some help? Forecast for the coming week for Tulsa, shown in an hour-by-hour graph.
Current conditions at Tulsa, Tulsa International Airport (KTUL) Lat: 36.2°NLon: 95.89°WElev: 676ft.
22 lis 2024 · The current weather in Tulsa OK, as of 10:10 PM CST, has a sky condition of Partly Cloudy with the visibility of 10 mile (s). It is 45 degrees fahrenheit but feels like 63 degrees fahrenheit. The barometric pressure is 30.16 - measured by inch of mercury units - and is steady since its last observation.
3 dni temu · Today's temperature is forecast to be MUCH COOLER than yesterday. Abundant sunshine. High 49F. Winds light and variable. Clear to partly cloudy. Low 36F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Some clouds in...
Tulsa, OK Weather Forecast, with current conditions, wind, air quality, and what to expect for the next 3 days.